The History of Solar Energy

Solar energy has been used for various purposes throughout history, from heating water to powering satellites in space. In recent years, solar power has become increasingly popular as a source of electricity for homes and businesses. In this blog post, we will take a look at the history of solar power and how it has evolved.

A Brief History of Solar Energy

  • 7th century BC: The ancient Greeks and Romans used mirrors to reflect sunlight and to kindle ceremonial fires.

  • 1839: French physicist Alexandre Edmond Becquerel discovered the photovoltaic effect that forms the basis of modern solar panels.

  • 1883: American inventor Charles Fritz made the first solar cell out of selenium with a conversion efficiency of about 1%.

  • 1954: American engineers Gerald Pearson, Darryl Chapin and Calvin Fuller have developed the first practical silicon solar cell with a conversion efficiency of 6%.

  • 1958: The Vanguard 1 satellite is launched into space and equipped with a small solar panel to power a radio transmitter.

  • 1973: His first 100% solar home, known as Earthship, was built in New Mexico.

  • 1979: President Jimmy Carter installs solar panels at the White House.

  • 1982: The world's first large-scale solar power plant, the Solar One power plant, was built in California.

  • 1990s: Technological advances and government incentives are starting to bring the cost of solar panels down significantly.

  • 2008: The world's largest solar power plant, the Solar Energy Generating Systems (SEGS) plant in California, has been completed.

  • 2010: President Obama installs new solar panels at the White House.

  • 2016: Solar energy is becoming the cheapest source of electricity in many parts of the world.

  • 2020: Solar power accounts for more than 3% of the world's electricity production, and the cost of solar power continues to fall.


When Was Solar Energy First Used?

The use of solar energy can be traced back to ancient times. It is known that the Greeks and Romans used mirrors to reflect sunlight and start fires. The Chinese also used mirrors to focus the sun's rays and to ignite cooking and heating. In the 19th century, French scientist Edmond Becquerel discovered the photovoltaic effect, which converts sunlight into electricity.

solar power timeline

When Were Solar Panels Invented?

The first solar panel was invented by Bell Laboratories in 1954. It was made of silicon and could only convert 6% of the incoming sunlight into electricity. Since then, solar panel technology has advanced significantly. Modern solar modules can convert up to 20% of the incident sunlight into electricity.


Major Events in the History of Solar Energy

Here are some of the key events that have shaped the history of solar energy:

  • 1839: French scientist Edmond Becquerel discovered the photovoltaic effect.

  • 1883: American inventor Charles Fritz created the first solar cell by covering selenium with a thin layer of gold.

  • 1954: Bell Labs produced the first silicon solar cell.

  • 1963: The first space satellite, Vanguard 1, equipped with solar panels, is launched.

  • 1977: President Jimmy Carter installs solar panels at the White House.

  • 1983: The first solar-powered car, the Bluebird, was built by British engineers.

  • 1990: Sunseeker, the first solar-powered aircraft, completes its maiden flight.

  • 2011: The world’s largest solar power plant, the Solar Energy Generating System (SEGS), is completed in California.

Solar panels in space above planet

Solar Panels in Outer Space

Solar panels have been used to power satellites and space stations since the 1960s. The first satellite to use solar panels was Vanguard 1, which launched in 1963. Solar panels are used in space because they are lightweight, efficient and reliable. It can also be used where it makes no sense to use other energy sources.

First Solar Residence

The first solar home was built by Gilbert Cohen in 1954 in Bridgewater, New Jersey. The house had 24 of his solar panels installed to power a variety of devices. Since then, many other homes have been built using solar power, and the technology has improved significantly. Today, solar panels can provide enough electricity to power an entire home.

Achievements in Solar Conversion Efficiency

The efficiency of solar panels has improved significantly over the years. In 1954, the first solar cell could only convert 6% of the sunlight it received into electricity. Today, the most efficient solar panels can convert up to 20%! Research is ongoing to develop solar panels with even higher conversion efficiencies.

Solar-Powered Airplanes

Solar-powered airplanes are an exciting new development in solar technology. The first solar-powered airplane, the Sunseeker, completed its maiden flight in 1990. Since then, several other solar-powered airplanes have been developed, including the Solar Impulse, which completed a round-the-world flight in 2016.

Solar-Powered Presidencies

In 1979, President Jimmy Carter installed solar panels on the White House. The panels were intended to provide electricity for the White House and to showcase the potential of solar power to the American public. Unfortunately, the panels were removed during the Reagan administration, and it wasn't until 2010 that solar panels were once again installed on the White House.

Cost of Solar Over Time

The cost of solar panels has decreased significantly over the years. In the 1970s, the cost of solar panels was over $70 per watt. Today, the cost is less than $1 per watt. This decrease in cost has made solar power more affordable and accessible to people around the world.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • Solar energy has been around for centuries, but it didn't become popular until the 1970s when the oil crisis led to increased interest in alternative energy sources. At that time, solar technology was expensive and inefficient, but it was seen as a promising solution to the world's energy problems.

  • The first 100% solar-powered house was built in 1973 by a group of architects and engineers led by Michael Reynolds. The house, known as the "Earthship", was designed to be self-sufficient and sustainable, with all of its electricity provided by solar panels.

  • The cost of solar panels has been decreasing steadily since the 1970s, but it wasn't until the early 2000s that solar power became truly affordable for the average consumer. This was due in part to advances in solar technology, as well as government incentives and subsidies that helped to lower the cost of solar installations. Today, the cost of solar panels is less than $1 per watt, making solar power an increasingly popular and cost-effective energy option.



Solar power has come a long way since the ancient Greeks and Romans used mirrors to start fires. From the first silicon solar cell to the world's largest solar power plant, solar technology has evolved and improved significantly over time. Solar power has become an increasingly popular source of energy for homes and businesses, and the technology continues to advance, with new developments such as solar-powered airplanes and homes. As the cost of solar panels continues to decrease, solar power will likely become even more widely adopted in the coming years.

Travis Green

Travis - CEO of ESS Solar with over a decade of professional experience in the solar industry.


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